Saturday, January 3, 2015

Day 1 - Quilt Making

Last night we sorted through 200+ patches and separated them into 2 groups. We have WAY more patches than what we can fit on one quilt, so we're planning on making another one to raffle off next year! We really want to thank everyone who has donated patches because with out them this wouldn't be happening!

Today we sat down and figured out how many patches we had for this quilt, exactly how we wanted to set it up and how much fabric we would need. We headed out to the fabric store and scored a great deal on the fabric we needed! 

We ironed out all the fabric and started cutting out our squares.

After realizing what a pain in the you know what it was to iron the seams of each square dad aka "The Guy" (as we so lovingly call him around here) made us a template to make it easier.

So tonight we managed to finish cutting out and ironing seams on 40 squares.... 40 down 56 more to go!

Be sure to check out our Facebook group and this site to keep up to date with information on how things are going and how exactly you can get in on the raffle for the quilt!

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