Monday, March 16, 2015

It's been a while...

I know it's been quite a while since we've worked on the quilt. The past couple months have been really busy and honestly doing any work on this turns into an all day project and truth be told I've been avoiding this step like no other because I had a feeling it would be the hardest.

Saturday we got all the trim put on the front of the quilt and, after some small disasters, we got the back all ready to go. We picked up the batting for it and got to work. 

Basically what we're doing now is attaching the back to the front with the batting in the middle. This is SO hard because, let's face it, this quilt is FREAKING HUGE!!!!

For comparison.... I'm 5'1". I can pretty much cover up from toe to neck with this thing sideways. The entire quilt finished will be 59"x92".

It took 3 of us to pull and pin to get it smoothed out to sew everything together. And did I mention we're just using moms ancient Kenmore sewing machine?!?! There's really not a whole lot of room between the needle and the side of the machine which means each time we would sew something we had to lay it out on the floor (only space big enough for it to stretch out) then 3 of us tugged on it while we pinned it in place. Then we had to carefully fold it all up so it could fit in the machine. I would sew and Tim would help me guide all the extra through. Then back to the floor to do the next row. 

As of yesterday we had 3 (I think) rows done and one edge. Now that we have it all figured out it should be a little easier to do the others. Hopefully we can work on it this weekend coming up as well. 

Tim also is going to start working on paperwork to go with it. Some of the patches on this quilt have stories behind them that we were made aware of when we received the patch. We plan on putting together a spreadsheet numbering each patch and then a list of where each patch is from and if there is a story behind it. 

It's so close to being done and I just hope it turns out nice. Because well.... I'm kind of making this up as I go because I've never made a freaking quilt in my life!!!!

Did I mention how freaking huge this thing is?!?!